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The South Dakota Legislature is Threatening the U.S. Constitution

By February 1, 2019South Dakota
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“Having witnessed the difficulties and dangers experienced by the first Convention … I should tremble for the result of a second.” “The most violent partisans,” and “individuals of insidious views” would strive to be delegates and would have “a dangerous opportunity of sapping the very foundations of the fabric” of our Country.  James Madison’s letter to G.L. Turberville, 1788

HJR1005 is a bad bill that would put our U.S. Constitution in jeopardy by opening it up for amendments (changes) such as the repeal of the Second Amendment or abolishing the Electoral College.  It could even re-energize the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) of the 1970s that would solidify tax-payer funded abortion in the Constitution. (CWA of Virginia and Georgia are currently dealing with the ERA and working to defeat it.)

Please read our new brochure The U.S. Constitution is Not the Problem! to understand this topic.

HJR1005 will be heard in House State Affairs committee, Wednesday, February 6. 

Talking points:

  • It is too risky to open our Constitution. Too much national division, radical interest groups.
  • Limit power of the Federal government, fiscal restraint — all the goals the Con Con is trying to achieve are already listed in our Constitution. It just needs to be obeyed.
  • Too much uncertainty as to how a Con Con would be conducted.
  • Delegates to a Con Con could set their own rules with a new ratification mode.
  • Who selects the delegates? Would California get more than South Dakota?  Unknown.
  • Ideas already suggested for Con Con consideration: abolish Electoral College, Repeal of Second Amendment, weakening of First Amendment, Equal Rights Amendment, a new constitution.

Please take action!

  1. E-mail and call the members of the House State Affairs Committee as well as your two House representatives. Ask them to oppose HJR1005.  Consider using some of the talking points. Be sure to let them know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of South Dakota. When e-mailing, provide your name and address. Put a brief message in the subject line.
  2. Forward this email onto friends and encourage them to both pray and take action on this important topic.

Contact Information

Click here to contact the committee members.

Click here to view the list of legislators and simply click on their e-mail address.

Click here if you do not know who your legislators are.

In addition to e-mail, phone the House lobby at (605) 773-3851 and leave a message for your two House Representatives.

Please join us in prayer. Ask the Lord to give the committee members and House representatives wisdom to see the dangers in this legislation.

Your e-mails, phone messages, and prayers are very important.


Linda Schauer
State Director
(605) 380-6914