The Concerned Women for America’s Encourage-A-Legislator Day on February 6 was encouraging for not only the legislators, but also for the CWA members who participated. The purpose of the trip was not to lobby, but rather to encourage all of the legislators who are serving in Richmond and to remind them that we appreciate their efforts and are praying for them. Many of the legislators expressed their appreciation for the CWA women who are lifting them up in prayer and sending them postcards. Each legislator received a gift of hand sanitizer with an encouraging note from CWA of Virginia. The next CWA of Virginia event will be a lobby day on February 20. We hope you will join us in Richmond that day!
Concerned Women for America of Virginia’s Lobby Day
Monday, February 20
8:30 a.m. until noon
We will begin with a briefing in the General Assembly Building
3rd floor, West conference room
1 Capitol Square, Richmond, Virginia
We plan to lobby on the repeal of the HPV vaccination, embryonic stem cell research ban
or educating our legislators on the issue of Sharia Law in Virginia.
Issues on the State level move very quickly so we need to stay flexible.
Please RSVP by February 18 by calling (434) 401-8852
or e-mailing us at director@virginia.cwfa.org.