The Charlotte Bathroom Ordinance Must Be Overturned

By March 16, 2016North Carolina

Dear Concerned North Carolinian:

The Charlotte City Council voted on February 22, 2016, to pass the bathroom ordinance. It legally allows men, or men appearing as women, to enter women’s bathrooms, showers, and locker rooms at any time for any reason.  It is beyond common sense and beyond belief.  We are concerned that this ordinance places our women and children in danger.  Business owners will face fines and possible jail time for violating the ordinance.

The only hope to protect children, women, and businesses across the state is for the Governor and General Assembly to overturn the local ordinance in its entirety, ensuring that no city in North Carolina is allowed to pass a bathroom ordinanceAsheville’s City Council is already openly discussing the possibility of passing their own bathroom ordinance. Your city may be next.

CWA of North Carolina, as part of the NC Values Coalition team, agrees that it makes no logical sense for the Governor and the General Assembly to let this regulatory burden on businesses and this threat to the privacy and safety of children, women, and men go into effect when they could stop it prior to April 1.

We must tell Gov. Pat McCrory to call a special session and pass legislation before April 1 to overturn the bathroom ordinance in its entirety to prevent other local governments from passing ordinances like it that take away the privacy, safety, and religious freedom of individuals, churches, and businesses across North Carolina.


(1)   If you have not done so, please sign the petition.

(2)   Please call Gov. McCrory at (919) 814-2000, your North Carolina House Representative and North Carolina Senator and ask them to call a special session before April 1, and pass legislation to overturn Charlotte’s bathroom ordinance in its entirety.  Click here to find out who they are and at what number to reach them.  Click on “Call your NC Representatives.”

(3)   Print and distribute these bulletin inserts at church, and be sure to use as talking points.

(4)   Forward this e-alert on to friends, family, pastors and acquaintances.

(5)   Attend one or more of the following rallies to overturn the Charlotte bathroom ordinance.

  • Charlotte – Friday, March 18, 2016 @ noon
    Government Complex, 600 E. 4th Street
  • Raleigh – Monday, March 21, 2016 @ noon
    South side of State Capitol Building, 1 E. Edenton Street

 Pray that the Charlotte bathroom ordinance is overturned. Pray for those who support this ordinance and for the gender-confused to be convicted with repentance and truth of God’s holy and distinct creation. “God created male and female, He created them.” (Genesis 2:27)