The Battle for Marriage Continues in Indiana

By February 12, 2014Indiana

Traditional marriage and the right of Indiana citizens to have their say on its definition at the ballot box this November need you to step up strongly once again. Please see the information below and make the calls that are needed. We need to make our voices heard and our presence felt in support of marriage, the Indiana Marriage Amendment (HJR 3), and the people’s right to vote.

On Monday HJR3 passed out of the Senate Rules and Legislative Procedure Committee on an 8-4 vote. If the people are to have the opportunity to vote on this amendment this November, the Senate must pass HJR3 as it was originally written and passed in 2011 – this includes restoring the second sentence on civil unions that the House deleted in January.

It’s taken ten years to bring the Marriage Amendment to a vote at the ballot box, but now politicians in Indianapolis are getting cold feet and threatening to delay that vote. The House amended the Marriage Amendment language last month, effectively delaying the ballot by at least two years unless the Senate restored the deleted language.

Call your Senator today and ask her/him to restore the original language and send the Marriage Amendment to the people of Indiana for an up or down vote this fall. The Senate will act this week; you may never get another chance.

When you make the call –
You will either get their assistant or their voice mail. Please ask the Senator to restore the 2nd sentence and vote YES on HJR3 so the voters can vote this November. Follow up with “Will the Senator be voting in favor of it?” As always, be respectful.

Would you please pass this on and encourage your friends to do the same?

Your voice is important. We really appreciate your help; it does make a difference!

If you’re interested in getting involved in a local Concerned Women for America Prayer/Action Chapter, you can find out more here, or contact Chelsea Patterson at .