The 2012 Encourage-A-Legislator Program Has Begun!

By March 27, 2012Louisiana

The 2011 Encourage-A-Legislator (EAL) program was a great success. Thirty-nine fantastic volunteers prayed daily for our legislators and sent them postcards during the Legislative Session.

We were encouraged that many legislators said that they valued our prayers. One senator wrote “Thank you so much for your prayers. I know God has His hand on this state. I serve for Him!” We felt that our prayers were effective in promoting righteousness as may good bills came out of the 2011 legislative session.

On June 16, 2011 several volunteers meet at the State Capitol in Baton Rouge for the EAL sponsored “Appreciation Day for the Legislators.” New Orleans styled pralines were given as a small gift to the legislators in appreciation for their long hours and hard work. In the House Chamber we were gladly received and many of the representatives came over to meet their prayer volunteers.

The 2012 EAL program has begun and looks to be another great year!

We have expanded to forty-four volunteers. The Louisiana Regular Session convened March 12 and will adjourn June 4. Their first week has been especially difficult with tension and long hours as they are taking up education reform. Several legislators have already responded to our introductory e-mail with gratitude for our prayer support. We plan to have our annual “Appreciation Day” in May.

We are thankful to our wonderful volunteers because we believe that “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” James 5:17b