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Thank You and Two Important Updates

By May 22, 2020North Carolina
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I wanted to share with you two updates:

#1. Concerned Women for America (CWA) of North Carolina’s 2020 Encourage-A-Legislator (EAL) Project has had the largest response we have ever had in the many years we have sponsored this project. Surely there has never been a more critical time to encourage our elected officials! We yearn to strengthen them as we pray for them to take a more courageous stand for the cause of liberty and righteousness, and hopefully this includes those who do not agree with us in ideology. May each official fully realize we are covering them in prayer – not challenging them by any political perspective – and affirming them in such a way that they are edified and encouraged. What bridge-builders we all may be!

Thank you to the 70 people who volunteered this year! 219 elected officials are covered, and because numerous people requested multiple officials, almost 30% of them will be prayed for and receive encouragement cards from more than one person! You can read more about the EAL Project here.

#2. Our 20th Annual Day at the Capitol, which was scheduled for June 3, has been postponed due to COVID-19 restrictions at the General Assembly. We are hoping we can re-schedule for some time in July. Stay tune for further updates.

Let us keep our President and Vice President and their families in our prayers. And as we celebrate the Memorial Day holiday, let us remember this quote from General Douglas MacArthur, United States Five Star General who served as Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army and commanded Allied forces in the South Pacific during World War II, “No man is entitled to the blessings of freedom unless he be vigilant in its preservation.”

So, we pray this Scripture from Galatians 5:1, “Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.”

For Truth and Righteousness,

Jill Coward
State Director