Texans Outraged! U.S Supreme Court Majority Undermines American Health Care

By July 3, 2012Texas

Yesterday was a vivid reminder about the responsibility of each citizen in America to act in a definite and responsible way to provide guidance for our country’s leadership through the ballot box. The condition in which we find ourselves cannot be blamed on anything other than the American people who in their selfish indifference and indulgence bestowed leadership on people who then misused the responsibility.

More of the same is headed our way unless people become educated about the issues and activated at the polls.

Help us turn America around. It is not too late!

Attend the CWA of Texas “Culture Warriors in Action” conference in Austin on September 15, 2012. Learn the issues, the process and how you can be a participant. (Send your request for registration to: P.O. Box 1746, Rockwall, TX 75087.) Click here for more information.

Become a leader in your community! Educate people about the issues; guide them to pray about the issues; provide productive action suggestions. You can do it! Contact the state or area office, and we will show you how. We make it easy! Go to our state site to find out who your CWA of Texas Area Director is.

Go to the County Election office and request Voter registration cards. Distribute them to your friends, neighbors, work associates, and parishioners. Make sure conservative voters get to the polls!

Concerned Women for America just launched a million-dollar nationwide project to get out the vote in the November general election called She Votes 2012. Check it out at SheVotes2012.org.

Have you ever gotten involved in the ministry of CWA of Texas? Were you active years ago and are no longer? Now is the time to ratchet it up! We must come together and turn the tide! You are needed! Contact us now!