Teacher of the Year Suspended for Facebook Comment Against Same-Sex “Marriage”

This summer, Jerry Buell, the Chair of the Social Studies Department at Mount Dora, Florida with 22 years of teaching experience, made a comment on the wall of his personal Facebook page disapproving of New York’s approval of same-sex “marriage.” Weeks later, the school district responded by suspending him and assigning him to clerical duties while he is being investigated. Jerry Buell and his attorney, Harry Mihet, Senior Litigation Counsel for Liberty Counsel discuss this case and what it means for the free speech of Christians.


*The day after this interview was recorded, Mr. Buell was reinstated as a teacher, allowing him to return back to the classroom. The Lake County School Board made its decision after a week-long “investigation” into a comment Buell made on his personal Facebook page expressing his disapproval of legalized homosexual marriage in New York. For more information visit www.LC.org.

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