Take the Initiative to Protect the Privacy of All Californians

By October 19, 2015California

Do you remember the co-ed bathroom bill (AB 1266) which passed, and then we gathered a massive number of referendum signatures, and then the Secretary of State threw out just enough (a whopping 130,000) to negate the referendum, and then it was challenged in court and is still there today?

Remember that?

Great news!  We are hopeful that the case in court will be won.  However, when it is, we will return to the status quo of no real guidelines regarding the issue of people using facilities according to their self-determined gender identity.

So, the faithful church in California is in motion and working hard to pass an initiative which will settle the highly contested debate of whether or not a man can use a woman’s bathroom and vice-versa.  I can’t believe I even have to say that.  But we live in crazy weird world where we have to define the most innate, obvious truths.

The Privacy For All initiative would require people to use restrooms, showers, locker rooms and changing rooms in government buildings in accordance to their biological sex and not their self-diagnosed “gender identity.”

Pray: Pray that truth will be undeniable and impossible to challenge.  Pray that people will be freed from their blindness and foolishness.  Pray that women and children will be protected in their gender-appropriate facilities.


  1. Sign a Privacy For All (PFA) initiative petition.  You can pick up a petition at a distribution center near you.  Return it to them as well.
  2. Hold a petition drive in your church and collect signatures within your sphere of influence.
  3. Please ask potential signers if they are registered to vote and if they have already signed.  We must be careful not to collect duplicate signatures.
  4. Please view this instructional video about how to sign a PFA petition.
  5. Petition deadline is November 20.  Please act quickly so we can collect all the signatures needed.

More information
Visit the Privacy For All website and get involved.
Check out CWA’s new brochure about the gender issue.
Jesse Rojas, a radio talk show host talks about why he supports Privacy For All.

Kori Peterson
Area Director
CWA of Southern California

Patricia Del’Marmol
Area Director
CWA of Northern California