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TAKE ACTION to protect Colorado’s First Amendment Rights!

By April 29, 2024Colorado
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They are at it again. Colorado state legislators who oppose any sort of religious freedom or thought are moving forward HB24-1124, a dangerous bill that states all 501c3 organizations and individuals be penalized with a fine of $3,500 for every violation of the state nondiscrimination law (which includes protected classes of “sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.”)
HB24-1124 attacks the first two pillars of the First Amendment: freedom of religion and speech. It’s not enough to keep Colorado business owners such as cake designer Jack Phillips and web designer Lorie Smith tied up in court to defend themselves against the malicious thought police of the Left. Now, they want to threaten steep fines for anyone who steps out of line with the state’s definition of discrimination.
HB24-1124 has moved through both the House and the Senate committees and is on its way to the Senate Floor for a final vote.
Please TAKE ACTION today by contacting your State Senator using our Action Center HERE and urging them to vote NO on HB24-1124. We do not want our citizens further oppressed by high fines. We want our First Amendment rights protected.
Please Pray: Father, we praise Your name that You are high and lifted up and see all that happens in Colorado. We ask for a move of the Holy Spirit on the Colorado Capitol to soften hearts to see that our rights come from You. Matthew 6:10 says we are to ask for “ Your will to be done on earth as it is in heaven,” and today we are asking for Your favor on this bill. In Your name. Amen.
Thank you!

Karen Pennington, PhD, RN
State Director