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Take Action on a Good Prolife Bill

By February 12, 2023Colorado
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“The time has come to turn to God and reassert our trust in Him for the healing of America …” 
Ronald Reagan, 40th President of the United State


A good prolife bill, HB23-1150, the Abortion Pill Reversal Information Act, has been introduced by Rep Scott Bottoms (R-District 15). The bill “requires a physician or other qualified medical professional to provide state-prepared information concerning abortion pill reversal to any woman seeking an abortion through the use of an abortion-inducing drug.”


Women are strong and capable and should have the right to know, if they change their mind after taking the first abortion pill, that they may be able to reverse the chemical abortion procedure. Women should have the right to complete information regarding their health decisions to make informed choices. The concept of “choice” and “rights” must go both ways. Those who support a woman’s right to an abortion should have no problem supporting a woman’s right to change her mind about an abortion.


HB23-1150 has been assigned to the Health and Insurance Committee. The committee is expected to hear the bill this in the coming week. It is important that the Chairman and members of the committee hear from you.


ACTION: Contact the members of the House Health and Insurance Committee and ask them to vote yes on HB23-1150. The committee contact information is listed below my signature. If you are a member of CWA of Colorado, be sure to let them know.


Please forward this information to family and friends.


Please PRAY: Father God, we give thanks for another day of life. We give thanks for Rep. Scott Bottoms and his courage to file HB23-1150. We pray for the Colorado House Committee and their handling of this legislation. We pray that the committee members will not be overcome with timidity and “political correctness” and will handle this issue with wisdom and courage. In Jesus’ name, we pray, AMEN.


Karen Pennington
State Director

Health and Insurance