Take a Moment and Make a Call, Write an E-mail, in Support of SB 2368, A Late Term Ban On Abortion

By March 25, 2013North Dakota

The North Dakota Senate will vote within the next two days on SB2368. It passed by a large majority in both the House and Senate in the original form, but an amendment was added in the House, thereby requiring the Senate to re-consider it. As you know, SB 2368 is a late term ban on abortions done after 20 weeks gestation when we know that a baby feels pain. The added amendment specifies that no tax payer funding can be given to entities that promote or provide abortion. (This would prevent a situation like the one in the news a few weeks ago when Planned Parenthood was going to sponsor “sex ed” at NDSU.) Contact your Senator and respectfully ask him/her to support SB 2368 and the amendment. Click here to see a copy of the bill.

Most importantly, however, there are four specific senators we would ask you to contact:

Sen. John Andrist (R-Crosby) – Phone: 701- 570-0629; E-mail: jandrist@nd.gov

Sen. Nicole Poolman (R-Bismarck) – Phone: 701-250-6730; E-mail: npoolman@nd.gov

Sen. Ronald Sorvaag (R-Fargo) – Phone: 701-271-0144; E-mail: rsorvaag@nd.gov

Sen. David O’Connell (D-Lansford) – Phone: 701-720-2296; E-mail: doconnell@nd.gov

Please thank them for their previous pro-life votes and ask them to continue to vote for SB 2368 and the amendment. Thank you for praying!