CEOConcerned Women for AmericaDefense of FamilyESGMediaNews and EventsSexual ExploitationSocial / Cultural IssuesSpecial Feature No Pride in Biden Policies Disenfranchising the Nation "I pledge allegiance to the flag … "As the nation celebrated Flag Day on June…Penny NanceJune 20, 2023
News and EventsSexual ExploitationSpecial Feature Op-Ed: The Sinister Nature of the Gender Movement As insidious “pride month” activities are in full gear around the country, Concerned Women for…CWA Communications TeamJune 13, 2023
Kentucky Pride Comes Before the Fall “Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be…Jennifer PendletonJune 9, 2023
Erasing WomenNews and EventsSexual ExploitationVulnerable Children LA Dodgers Take a Walk Before Striking Out It took a U.S. Senator’s clear message of exclusion and religious bigotry to prompt Major…Doreen DennyJune 1, 2023