Supremes At it Again

By October 1, 2012Legal


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The Supreme Court’s new term starts today with oral arguments in two cases, Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum (tort) and Lozman v. Riviera Beach, FL (maritime).

The Kiobel case is important, because it is a lawsuit brought in the U.S. about human rights violations abroad. No new cases were granted, so we continue to wait for the Court to decide which, if any, of the marriage-related cases it will hear this term.

Among the 80 orders in pending cases released today is a new development in the challenges to the president’s health care law, which infamously survived its constitutional challenges last term. The Court’s order in Liberty Univ. v. Geithner, Sec. of the Treasury asks the government to respond to Liberty University’s petition for rehearing on their challenge to the individual mandate and the separate insurance coverage mandate for employers which the Court had previously denied.

Another important case the Supreme Court will hear this term is Fisher v. University of Texas, where the Court will consider the university’s use of race in their admissions process, as well as several appeals to the Voting Rights Act.

More updates on the happenings at the Supreme Court coming soon. Stay tuned.