Support Supreme Court Nominee Kavanaugh With Both Prayer and Action

By August 27, 2018North Carolina

Dear Friend,

As you know, there has been much excitement regarding President Trump’s nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.  And CWA has been involved from the beginning.  They immediately launched an eight-state bus tour to key states, largely to reach undecided senators. Go to regularly to track their activities, articles, videos, interviews, etc.

North Carolina is blessed to have both Senators Thom Tillis (R-North Carolina) and Richard Burr (R-North Carolina) public support of Judge Kavanaugh.

Both senators publicly have stated Judge Kavanaugh’s impeccable credentials as a fair-minded jurist. And, Sen. Burr further stated, “I am confident we will fulfill that responsibility fairly and promptly to ensure a complete and qualified Supreme Court.”
Please pray. With such a heavy assignment before the Senate with some who are still undecided, I cannot state how important this time of prayer is.

  • Pray that Judge Kavanaugh will be confirmed.
  • Commit to praying through CWA’s seven-day prayer guide beginning tomorrow, August 28 and ending on Tuesday, September 4, the first day of the hearings. As Mario advises, “Justice is a spiritual matter. Jesus actually called it one of the “weightier matters of the law” (see Matthew 23:23). There are forces working tirelessly to pervert justice who see Judge Kavanaugh as a real threat to their schemes. Let us stand united in prayer asking God, above all, that His will be done.

Please take action:

  • Contact both Sen. Tillis and Sen. Burr.  Thank them for supporting Judge Kavanaugh.  Be sure to let them know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of North Carolina.
  • Though North Carolina’s senators both stand in favor of Judge Kavanaugh, there are others in our nation who are vehemently opposing him, some, for no other reason than his political label. For this reason, please share this e-alert with family and friends living in other states.

As you know, the negative criticisms of Judge Kavanaugh has been relentless.  Mario Diaz, Legal Counsel for CWA, recently stated, “That he is so fiercely opposed by the radical liberals tells you a lot.  Judge Kavanaugh has proven himself to be an impartial judge seeking to apply the Constitution as written, refusing to legislate from the bench which is what the left demands.” He further stated, “Justice demands much more than specific outcomes on specific cases. It is a reality that encompasses all of life. This is what we seek on any judicial nominee: a constitutional justice who understands his limited role as a judge.

We must return constitutional balance at the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn the extremely radical shift we are seeing in the culture. Diaz has stated the extraordinary importance of this nomination when he said, “We have a chance to turn the tide of liberal-leaning decisions — which have been so detrimental to our nation — for decades to come. It is incumbent upon us to make the sacrifices needed today to preserve freedom and the Constitution for the next generation… We must act with a sense of purpose and calling to embrace the chance that God has given us. We must be strategic and disciplined in our engagement. We must strive to represent God and His principles well in all that we do.”

What can we expect?
The Washington Times reported, “The Senate has already begun receiving documents they have requested. Ultimately, they are likely to receive up to 1 million pages of documents from Judge Kavanaugh’s tenure in the White House Counsel’s Office and Office of Independent Counsel. When that is complete it will be the largest document production for a Supreme Court nominee ever….This document production very well may include more pages than the last five Supreme Court nominations combined. By comparison, Justice Elena Kagan had zero experience as a judge to Judge Kavanaugh’s 12, and produced about 170,000 pages of her White House records.”

The hearing process can take several days; with Gorsuch it took four.  Jaime Ballew, CWA House Legislative Director, states the following: “After the hearings are complete, the Senate Judiciary Committee will vote on his nomination, and then he will move to the full Senate for consideration. For context, both Gorsuch and Sotomayor took 66 days from nomination to confirmation. Leader McConnell has stated that Kavanaugh will be on the court for the October term. Therefore, we are looking at a late-September, full-Senate vote.”

Let our voices resound in the heavens through the power of our prayers, and, on earth, as we take action.

For Truth and Righteousness,

Jill Coward
State Director
CWA of North Carolina

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