It was standing room only at a press conference today as supporters gathered to hear State Senator William Ligon discuss his piece of legislation, S.B. 167, a bill that would withdraw Georgia from the Common Core State Standards. Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Georgia was on hand, along with several other grassroots organizations and citizen activists, as Sen. Ligon explained why Georgia must maintain control over its curriculum standards. Also speaking at the press conference were several key Common Core experts who explained how Georgia has lowered its educational standards by adopting the national standards in math and English language arts.
Click here watch Sen. Ligon’s press conference on S.B. 167.
Click here to read more about the press conference.

Immediately following the press conference, the Senate Education and Youth Committee held its hearing on S.B. 167 to a packed room of both supporters and opponents of the bill. The committee heard over three hours of testimony, including testimony from Jane Robbins of the American Principals Project; Dr. Sandra Stotsky, English language arts expert; Ze’ev Wurman, math and cost expert; Dr. Jim Arnold, superintendent, and Tish Strange, concerned parent. CWA of Georgia State Director, Tanya Ditty, spoke on behalf of the CWA of Georgia members and as an educator, asking the senate committee to support S.B. 167 and return control of education to the parents and citizens of Georgia.
No vote or action was taken on the bill.
CWA of Georgia is helping lead the fight to stop the Common Core in Georgia, and we are committed to educating parents, school board members, hard-working taxpayers, and our state legislators on the threats imposed by the Common Core. We will keep you posted on the status of S.B. 167.
Click here to learn more about the Common Core.

before Senate Education and Youth Committee