Stand with CWA of Louisiana Prayerfully, Legislatively and Financially

By May 2, 2016Louisiana

Dear Concerned Women for America of Louisiana members and friends,

I pray this letter finds you hopeful, praising and trusting God and His Holy Word in the midst of spiritual, moral, economic, and political storms.  Clearly, the battle between Biblical and secular worldviews is intensifying.   Liberalism, progressivism, false religions and those who are coming against Christians and their beliefs seem intent on destroying the Judeo-Christian traditions upon which our nation was built, whether in the spiritual, moral or public policy realm.  Nevertheless, Concerned Women for America continues to stand in the gap in the cultural war to promote and protect Biblical values amongst all citizens.  We value your involvement through prayer and financial support.  In order to be effective in our state, we need three important things:

  • Prayers
  • Volunteers
  • Financial Support.

An upcoming financial need we have is funds to send two of our Louisiana leaders to Leadership Training this year, June 9-11, in Washington, D.C.  CWA is partnering with Faith and Freedom Coalition for three days of exciting activities including inspiring speakers, leadership training and lobbying Louisiana legislators on Capitol Hill.  My goal is to have at least two of our state volunteer leaders at that conference.  I estimate the cost at about $1375/person.  I am appealing to you to help achieve that goal. If you are able, please consider sending a tax-deductible gift at this time.  Any amount will help reach our goal.  If you are not able to help financially right now, please pray for this goal and CWA of Louisiana as well.

The annual Leadership Training Conference is a great event for better equipping our CWA of Louisiana leaders; thank you for any amount of support you can give to help our volunteer leaders attend.  Please send your gift to the post office box below or go online at and click on the “Donate to Your State” button under my picture.  Your gift will be credited to CWA of Louisiana.  Please add a note saying that your gift is for conference expenses.

If you would like to join us at the conference, go to  Be sure to use the promo code: CWA.  Go to the bottom of the registration form and put in “CWA for the promotional code and then click “apply”. This will pull up a registration form. Then, you can choose which tickets you want. Be sure to scroll down and choose the ticket with CWA in front of it.  It is very important that CWA friends and members register using the promotional code.

We appreciate your partnership with CWA of Louisiana and ask that you continue to pray for the organization and for our leaders in particular to be able to stand strong to promote and protect the Biblical values we hold so dear.

LEGISLATIVE NEWS: We want to be good stewards of the resources God has given us. One of our purposes is to keep YOU informed on CWA events and laws being considered in our state legislature that affect families.

Women’s Enhanced Reflection Act – HB 386 by Rep. Hoffmann

  • Click here to read the bill, review its status and more. Click here to view my testimony before the House Health and Welfare Committee.
  • This bill would increase the current time for reflection between a pre-abortion counseling and the actual abortion procedure from 24 hours to 72 hours. This will allow women a chance for further reflection of all her options, by relieving some of the immediacy of the crisis.
  • Progress: Passed the House floor 89-5 on April 6. Passed the Senate Health and Welfare Committee. Vote on the floor pending.

Defunding Planned Parenthood – HB 606 by Rep. Hoffmann and SB 264 by Rep. Mills

  • Click here to read the bill, review its status and more.
  • This bill follows Gov. Kasich’s approach to defunding Planned Parenthood in Ohio by prohibiting entities that perform abortions, or contract with those who perform abortions, from receiving public funding for any purpose.
  • Progress:  HB 606 scheduled to be read on Senate floor early May.

I ask that you stand with CWA regarding these two issues by contacting your senator as soon as possible.  Click here to find out his/her name and contact information.  Ask him/her to support these two pieces of legislation.

We must honor and protect our faith and morality to ensure freedom, and I promise you that is what CWA will continue to do in 2016 in the state of Louisiana and for our nation!

Remain motivated by love,

Sancha Noel Smith

State Director