Special event in Branson-Mary Burkett: Ordinary Person to Extraordinary Life

By April 3, 2024Missouri

Join Haven Howard, Area Director for Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Missouri, on Tuesday, April 16, as she welcomes Mary Burkett, who, in January 2017, began creating a living memorial to precious children lost in the Holocaust. Mary has since created 27 beautiful portraits – Beloved, Children of the Holocaust. 

Mary describes herself as “not an artist” but a wife, mother, and grandmother who found herself with a pencil and sketch pad in her hand. She will be sharing her story of one ordinary person called to an extraordinary circumstance. Mary’s work honors the lives of children forgotten by time and history. Her work has been described as “an inspired initiative with a precise purpose: that mankind knows the atrocities of the historical past and never repeats them.”

The event is part of the Holocaust Education and Awareness Week honoring “Children of the Holocaust: Before, During and After,” sponsored by the Antisemitism Education Center of the Ozarks. You can find more details at The Branson Globe.

Date: Tuesday, April 16
Time: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Location: Covenant Life Church, 120 N. 3rd St., Branson, MO
Contact: For additional information, contact CWA of Missouri Area Director Haven Howard at 417-263-0425 or Havenhoward01@gmail.com

Tracy Dougan
State Director