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South Dakota Legislative Session-Week 5 Update

By February 10, 2024South Dakota
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“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Romans 12:1-2

Video Lottery Bills
SB192, the bill to increase the bet limit on video lottery, was tabled in Senate Commerce Committee. Concerned Women for America (CWA) of South Dakota has always opposed the expansion of video lottery. We are pleased that this was tabled. Thank you for your prayer and action on this bill.

HB1217 will allow a city or county to impose local restrictions and regulations on video lottery. This bill would allow local control concerning the quantity or location of video lottery machines that are more restrictive. HB1217 will be heard in the House State Affairs Committee.

ACTION: Please contact the members and ask them to support HB1217. The committee list and contact information are listed below my signature.

School Library Books
HB1197 passed unanimously in the House Education Committee. HB1197 is an act to establish provisions related to the rating of books available in school districts. It would establish a rating system that is age and grade-appropriate with criteria described in the bill and allows parental involvement. We will continue to follow this good bill until the Governor signs it. Thank you for your prayer and action on this bill.

Opposition to Proposed Abortion Constitutional Amendment
HCR6008 is a good resolution opposing the initiated measure to place the “right” to abortion in the Constitution of South Dakota. (A Resolution has no legal weight; it merely expresses the sense of the legislature.)  In addition, the resolution gets the pro-life message in the media. All pro-lifers should read through the resolution and even print it out so they can explain to others how bad this initiated measure is should it get on the ballot.

HCR6008 passed in the House State Affairs Committee 11-1-1. HCR6008 will now be heard in the House and then on to the Senate.

PRAY that the “Dakotans for Health” will not get the required 35,000 valid signatures to get it on the ballot and that South Dakota can remain a pro-life state.

“Convention of States” Bills Fails
The Constitutional Convention resolutions (Convention of States), SJR508 and SJR509, failed in Senate State Affairs Committee February 7. Both resolutions went to the 41st legislative day, which kills the bills. Check the votes here and here. We wanted a Yes vote.

Please read our brochures “The U.S. Constitution is Not the Problem!” and “The Case Against Term Limits” to understand this topic.

Bad Transgender Bill
S216 failed in the Senate Health and Human Services Committee sending it to the 41st legislative day. It would have allowed “transgender treatments” like puberty blockers and mutilating surgery on minors providing the minor’s parents approve. Praise God this failed.

Thank you for your faithfulness in prayer and action.

Linda Schauer
State Director

House State Affairs Committee