South Dakota AG Jackley Announces Lawsuit Against Obama’s “Bathroom” Mandate

By July 11, 2016South Dakota

“The moral principles and precepts contained in the Scriptures ought to form the basis of all our civil constitutions and laws.”  –Noah Webster

South Dakota has joined with nine others states in a lawsuit challenging President Obama’s directive regarding a “bathroom policy.”  The lawsuit is against the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Justice.  The President’s directive mandates that schools must permit “transgender” students to use the shower room, locker room or bathroom facilities corresponding to their “gender identity.” The mandate threatens loss of federal funds under Title IX for non-compliance.

Attorney General Jackley stated in his press release that the Obama mandate is a “solution that goes beyond his [Obama’s] authority.” The complaint by the ten Attorneys General explains the merits of the lawsuit and basically discredits the Administration’s unconstitutional attempt to create new law.

The Obama Administration has once again overstepped legal boundaries by redefining the scope and reach of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Administration is redefining “sex” and “gender” as it appears in Title IX, to fit into his misguided agenda.  This is something lawmakers who drafted Titles VII and Title IX never even considered.  “Sex” refers to male or female–our DNA and anatomy that is unchangeable.  “Gender” is a social construct and is determined by how one feels.

Pray that this lawsuit will stop the President’s agenda and thereby protect our students while helping those confused about their sex to receive compassionate counseling.

Take Action

  1. Boycott Target. Concerned Women for America is part of the Target Boycott effort resulting from Target’s decision to allow open access to their public restrooms.
  2. Read Linda Schauer’s published letter to the editor as it appeared in the Aberdeen American News.