Send a Message to Governor Burgum and Thank Him!

By July 30, 2018North Dakota

Concerned Women for America of North Dakota thanks Gov.  Doug Burgum for making an official statement on Title X’s Protect Life Rule.

“The state of North Dakota has existing law that prohibits the referral for abortion services by any agency, county, municipality or other subdivision that receives Title X funds.

“This proposed US Department of Health and Human Services rule would allow for the state of North Dakota to implement its existing laws regarding Title X, as outlined in North Dakota Century Code section 14-02.3-02.

“The state of North Dakota supports the right of states to enforce their own laws, as approved by elected representatives of the citizens of North Dakota.”

 Please Take Action:

  • Please call Gov. Burgum’s office at (701) 328-2200. Click here to send an email message or send a letter to Office of Governor, State of North Dakota, 600 East Boulevard Avenue, Bismarck, ND 58508-0110. Be sure to let him know you are a member of Concerned Women for America of North Dakota.

Please Pray:

  • Pray for those in authority. Thank God for those in leadership and pray God’s will be done and for our leaders to be surrounded by godly counsel. Jeremiah encouraged the Hebrews to pray for God’s blessing “Seek the peace of the city where I have caused you to be carried away captive, and pray to the Lord for it; for in its peace you will have peace” (Jeremiah 29:7).
  • The Bible instructs us to intercede on behalf of our leaders that they might come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. “This (our intercession) is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:3-4).

Protect Life Rule!  Have you responded yet? If not please send your response to the administration. Do it now at It’s easy and only takes a few minutes. TOMORROW is the deadline.

Linda Thorson
State Director
CWA of North Dakota
(701) 331-9792
Facebook: Concerned Women for America of North Dakota