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Senate Votes on ObamaCare Repeal


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Dear Friends,

Emboldened by Judge Vinsons decision rendering ObamaCare unconstitutional, the Senate Republicans led by Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) filed an amendment to the Federal Aviation Administration reauthorization to repeal ObamaCare. All 47 Republicans voted to repeal this job-killing government takeover of our health care system.

While Senator Harry Reid (D-Nevada) agreed to allow Republicans to bring this non-germane amendment to the floor, he vowed that ObamaCare would not be repealed. Hatchet man Senator Chuck Schumer (D-New York) raised a budget point of order, arguing the measure would add more than a trillion dollars to the deficit, which requires 60 votes to overcome. Despite the November 2010 tsunami which gave Republicans control of the House of Representatives, not one Democrat was brave enough to ride the tide and vote to repeal ObamaCare.

Even though the repeal amendment failed, this is not the end. Senator McConnell has stated his intention to keep pressing repeal efforts. We need your help to continue to push this issue to the forefront.

Please call your Republican Senators and thank them for their commitment to repealing ObamaCare. Ask them to continue to find ways to bring this important legislation to the floor for votes.

Please call these Democrats, if they are your Senator , and ask them to reconsider their vote and support the repeal efforts:

Senator Bob Casey (Pennsylvania)
Senator Kent Conrad (North Dakota)
Senator Herb Kohl (Wisconsin)
Senator Joe Manchin (West Virginia)
Senator Claire McCaskill (Missouri)
Senator Ben Nelson (Nebraska)
Senator Bill Nelson (Florida)
Senator Jon Tester (Montana)
Senator Jim Webb (Virginia)

To reach the Senate, call the switchboard at 202) 224-3121 and ask to be transferred to your Senator’s office.


Penny Nance
Chief Executive Officer
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