Reverse Common Core State Standards in Kansas

By February 20, 2015Kansas

“The philosophy of the classroom will be the philosophy of government tomorrow.” -Abraham Lincoln

Common Core State Standards (CCSS) is an experiment destined for failure, loss of local control, loss of parental rights, lowering of standards, loss of privacy, high costs, unconstitutional, an affront to states’ rights as outlined in the Tenth Amendment and more.

Conservative groups across the state have been fighting to eliminate CCSS in Kansas for years including CWA of Kansas when former State Director Judy Smith submitted a Common Core Fact Sheet in 2013 to the Kansas House Education Committee is support of HB 2289 which would have defunded CCSS in Kansas. The legislation passed in the Senate and narrowly failed in the House.

We now have another opportunity to eliminate CCSS in Kansas as we make our voice heard against HB 2292. Please join us in these efforts.

As you may know, CCSS is a set of national K-12 standards in math and language arts that is currently being implemented in 43 states and Washington, D.C. including Kansas since 2010. The CCSS were developed behind closed doors by private, progressive education insiders in Washington, D.C. State boards of education, state legislators, local educational officials, school leaders, teachers, or parents, were not included in the development of CCSS!

There will be a hearing Monday, February 23, on HB 2292 at 1:30 p.m. in the House Education Committee Room 112 N. HB 2292 gives local control back to Kansans. Read the bill here.

Take Action: Take action TODAY if at all possible.

  1. Educate yourself and others on Common Core. Visit for more information. Print and distribute CWA’s Stop Common Core “State” Standards brochure.
  2. Forward this e-mail on to like- minded friends and family and encourage them to pray and act today.
  3. Contact the House Education Committee members here. Ask them to vote yes on HB 2292.

Pray: Ask God to open the eyes of those in positions of authority to reverse this dangerous education program.

For the 21st Century and our children!