Religious Liberty Rally Speech 2012

By November 27, 2012Illinois

When God created man He set up a clear relationship with him. Genesis 1:26 says, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” We see in this Scripture passage that BOTH MEN AND WOMEN ARE EQUALLY MADE IN GOD’S IMAGE.

Our liberties as women should be in alignment with the roles He gave us as wives, mothers, and women of faith in our communities. Religious liberty is the ability to live and speak out what we know Almighty God has said in His Word. Our liberty comes from God’s loving law.

All through the plan of salvation we see God continuing to forgive man and show Him the way. In the Garden of Eden He gives man great liberty and one law. Genesis 2:16-17 says, “And the Lord God commanded the man, ‘You are free to eat from ANY TREE in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die.” After the fall we see God leading his people by raising up prophets to guide man in learning and obeying His loving law, constantly forgiving transgressions again and again. God speaks with tenderness in Matthew 23:37, “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing.”

As the Messiah appears along the historic line of salvation, He loving shows the way to healing, forgiving all the way to the Cross. Christ never abandons the law but fully fulfills it. God gives us the law BECAUSE he loves us. He gives us the law to give us LIBERTY. All true liberty comes from God’s loving law. Any other supposed liberty is deception.

The government oppresses liberties from God by making laws that undermine His law. Since the inception of Roe v Wade in 1973, we have laws that favor women’s rights in opposition to God’s liberties. We know that abortion is not God’s plan for women. When government leaders pass laws that kill unborn life, they are in opposition to His plan for creation. Many of you here today have helped pass laws that secure the life of unborn children. Through concerted work, women considering abortion have ultrasound machines at pregnancy centers so they can view their unborn child. Also, through concerted work, parents have the legal right to know when their underage children are considering abortion.

In 2010, Illinois granted women (and men) the right to homosexual unions. This is not God’s beautiful plan for women. When government leaders pass laws allowing two women to have the fruit of the heterosexual union by adopting children, they are in opposition to God’s plan for relationship. Christian women have had to continually fight for laws protecting marriage between a man and a woman.

God’s law can never be obliterated even when an overreaching government tries to supersede God. Let’s continue to proclaim His loving law until time is no more, until government is no more, and until His plan of salvation is complete. We know there is full liberty in God’s plan. It is an eternal plan because He loves us with an everlasting love.