Re-Aligning our Values: Recommitting to the Geneva Consensus Declaration

On January 24, 2025, President Donald Trump announced that the United States of America will once again join the Geneva Consensus Declaration. It declares that the “human rights of women are an inalienable, integral, and indivisible part of all human rights and fundamental freedoms” and, by signing to rejoin, President Trump affirms this value.

The Geneva Consensus Declaration was established “to secure meaningful health and development gains for women; to protect life at all stages; to defend the family as the fundamental unit of society; and to work together across the UN system to realize these values.” The U.S.-led effort is joined by Brazil, Egypt, Indonesia, Uganda, Hungary, and over 30 additional countries. The signatories of this document represent over 1.6 billion people worldwide.

For decades, what has politically been on the minds of so many is the necessity to consider women’s rights as a public issue. Despite having celebrated not only the establishment of but the cosponsorship of the United States into the Geneva Consensus Declaration nearly five years ago, the Biden Administration swiftly removed us as a pursuant of this cause due to Biden and his administration’s radical pro-abortion stance.

This agreement among nations not only codified definitions for life in regards to there being no international right to abortion, but it also provided necessary support to strengthen the family unit. The United States was an original signatory to this coalition but after having been removed by former President Biden, the 119th Congress and President Trump sought to reinstate our position as a nation that seeks to promote the value of life.

As part of this coalition of nations, the United States formally agrees that “there is no international right to abortion, nor any international obligation on the part of States to finance or facilitate abortion.” Additionally, in the reinstatement of our position in the Geneva Consensus, President Trump’s Executive Order will, in tandem, allow enforcement of the Hyde Amendment which protects taxpayer money from being used for elective abortions.  With this move, the Trump Administration seeks to bring back the value of life and protection of family as core values of the United States.

Concerned Women for America (CWA) is grateful for how President Trump has chosen to protect the dignity of life and, once again, fulfill his promise made in the “Presidential Promise to American Women.” By allowing the reconvening with this coalition of nations in the Geneva Consensus Declaration and affirming that “every human being has the inherent right to life,” President Trump is once again fulfilling the promise that “the status and dignity of women and girls will not be compromised in law or policy.”