Rally for Life at North Dakota Capitol a Huge Succes

By April 22, 2013North Dakota

This past Wednesday hundreds of pro-life North Dakotans gathered on the steps of our Capitol in Bismarck to thank our governor and the 2013 legislature for the recent pro-life bills that were passed and signed into law. In spite of record setting snow fall and a bitter cold and windy day, people showed up from every corner of our great state. It was truly inspiring and an honor to look out over the crowd that day, knowing there are more of us than there are of those who oppose life. North Dakota has put a stake in the ground to defend women and children. And we will stay the course and defend these laws.


We were honored to stand with several groups and speakers during this rally: North Dakota Family Alliance, North Dakota Catholic Conference, and North Dakota Right to Life to mention a few. A big thank you to Marlo Nelson for putting all the details together and Scott Hennen for helping get out the word. And a huge thank you to Father Frank Pavone with Priests for Life for honoring North Dakota with your visit and passionate speech on behalf of the unborn and their moms! Click here to view a short clip of speeches.


As I said at the rally, “I personally want to thank all of you, those who pray, those who serve and ‘rally’ every day of the year, by giving of your time and resources to help those in a crisis pregnancy. Whether it is donating items to a Pregnancy Crisis Center, adopting children, peer counseling, praying outside the abortion facility, speaking in churches, e-mailing lawmakers, and the list goes on and on, – you are the ones that made and will continue to make the difference.

“Thank you to everyone who has faithfully prayed and supported us in this battle for life. Thank you for contacting your representatives and our governor. Thank you for letters to the editor, for calling in to radio shows, for never giving up. The public debate HAS been won on this issue, make no mistake about it. But the workings of it all are still to be settled, and when it is, we truly pray and believe North Dakota will be the first abortion free state. Pray for those who will now work to defend these laws in our courts.

Be assured that CWA of North Dakota will closely follow whatever litigation or opposition may come against these laws and defend them to the utmost. We must stay alert and aware and never tire of this cause. With Truth on our side, may we move forward and ‘Love Them Both’, mother and child. And most of all never stop thanking the giver of all Life, our Lord Jesus Christ!”

News coverage:

Pro-Life Supporters Rally at Capitol (Click here to view video)

The Bismark Tribune
Rally at the Capitol to Say Thanks