Quick Reflections on a Quick Trip to Israel

I recently had the opportunity to visit Israel for Christians United for Israel’s Millennial Leadership Tour. This was a true blessing and an answer to prayer. I have always had a loyalty and passion for the Jewish people and their homeland. As soon as I was appointed Concerned Women for America’s Support for Israel Issue Specialist, that enthusiasm overflowed into my work life.  I devoted time to reading and researching the history of the Middle East and the conflicts that have transpired around Israel.  To say I was itching to experience it firsthand is an understatement.

It has been a week since returning from Israel, and I never thought my life — politically and spiritually — could be molded so intensely. I feel as though the knowledge I had going into the trip has been developed in such a short time. Gaps in my knowledge were filled. Until visiting Israel, my faith was built on trusting what I could not see — a blind faith, if you will — and now the Bible holds a new and deeper meaning. The way I worship, take in the Word, and listen to sermons has changed.

I am extremely grateful for this opportunity and look forward to using it to better build support for Israel and the Jewish people.

To view highlights from my trip, click here (Note: The link will take you to my personal blog).