Pulpit Freedom Sunday

By September 29, 2011Legal, National Sovereignty

This Sunday, October 2, hundreds of pastors and priests from across the nation will challenge the curbs to religious freedom as enforced by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Since 1950 the Johnson Amendment, which bans partisan political activity on the part of non-profit organizations, has been applied by the IRS to churches and even to the content of sermons. For a number of years now, guided by the Alliance Defense Fund, a growing number of pastors have been challenging this unconstitutional amendment by speaking the truth from the pulpit and collectively sending copies of their sermons to the IRS. Pastor Jim Garlow of Skyline Church in La Mesa, California, tells why this effort is so important and how pastors still have time to sign up and join the challenge to the unconstitutional curb of religious liberty.


For more information visit http://www.pulpitfreedom.org.

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