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Protecting Parental Rights – Follow-up!

By May 5, 2023Colorado
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“For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord …” Genesis 18:19

HCR23-1004, a good bill to establish a parent’s bill of rights, was defeated by the House State, Civic, Military, and Veterans Affairs Committee this week. We are grateful to bill sponsor State Rep. Brandi Bradley (R-District 39) for bringing forward this pro-parent, pro-family bill. I represented your voice through testimony before the committee, also joined by other pro-parent groups and citizens.

Thank you for your calls and emails to the committee. We are grateful for your prayers and engagement.

ACTION ITEM: Contact the members of the House State, Civic, Military, and Veterans Affairs Committee and thank those who voted “Yes” in support of HCR23-1004 and politely share your disappointment with those who opposed the bill and voted “No.” The committee’s contact information is listed below my signature, along with their vote.

Please forward this information to family and friends.

Please PRAY: Father God, we give thanks for another day of life. We give thanks to Rep. Brandi Bradley for her willingness to file HCR23-1004. We pray for our Senators and Representatives to have a heart to protect children and follow Your design for families. In Jesus’ name, we pray, AMEN.

Looking Unto Jesus,
Karen Pennington
State Director 

House State, Civic, Military, and Veterans Affairs Committee