Pro-Life Rally in Belgrade Lakes

By November 2, 2021Maine

Pro-life leaders and pro-life supporters gathered at the gazebo in Belgrade Lakes to celebrate pro-life victories and to pray for the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, a case challenging the constitutionality of a Mississippi state law that places strict limits on abortions after 15 weeks. Oral arguments on the Dobbs case will be heard at the Supreme Court of the United States on December 1. 

Concerned Women for America of Maine joined Christian Civic League of Maine Policy Director Mike McClellan, Wendy Merrill, Executive Director of 1st Choice Pregnancy Center in Waterville, Students For Life, and Mariah McCarron from West Virginia, all of who shared with attendees what is happening in the pro-life movement from their perspectives. 

We also had a surprising story from David Clinard, a respiratory therapist for over 35 years. He told about a life-changing event he experienced his very first year on the job. It was moving! During the event, a 19-year-old female interrupted one of our speakers to let the crowd know that she had an abortion and considered it the best thing for her to do so she could finish college. God was able to use this sad moment as Wendy Merrill stepped forward and asked the attendees to pray for this young woman. Science is changing the hearts and minds on the issue of life, and the pro-abortionists know it. 

We can’t give up. We must persevere. Our love for God causes us to do so.  We are His ambassadors, called by Him, and He has a purpose for each one of us. 

You can view the pro-life event below. 

Penny Morrell State Director