Pride Works November 17 Conference Update

By December 15, 2011New York

We arrived at the event at 8:00 a.m. and buses were already pulling into the hotel. There were many buses, but it seemed to me that there were fewer students on the buses than in previous years. I do not know the head count, but that is my perception. Because of the venue, we were not able to have access to the students, but they did see us and our signs and the message “Change is possible”. We had one man approach us who was very angry, saying we were “hateful” and “scary”, and God was going to judge us for it when we die. Two teen girls approached us at dismissal time with rainbow capes and wanted a picture. We also took a picture and gave them material from Exodus International which encouraged them to look to the ONE who made them and knows them best and to identify with Him and not a lifestyle. Another young man we met last year who seems to be transgendering came and asked us why we come. We told him we do not think a middle school child or even a high school child should be encouraged to make a decision about his/her sexual orientation or gender identity. We also said that change is possible for those who want to change. Many parents picking up their children were upset with us and said, “You are disgusting; go home.”

We were encouraged throughout the day by people passing in cars who would beep the horn and give us a thumbs up, or roll down the window and say, “God bless you; thank you for being here.” As the buses rolled out we would smile and wave to the kids. Many of the students were straining to see what was written on the signs. We are thankful it did not rain on us and thankful for the opportunity to stand for what is right, to bring the love of God in Christ Jesus, to tell the truth, and to expect God to bring a harvest of souls for the kingdom of God.

I would once again encourage high school students to find an advisor/teacher and start an after school Christian club or revive an old one. I encourage parents to find out if there is a Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) in your middle or high school. Investigate to see what books are in the school library which are endorsed by the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN). If GLSEN must be in our schools at all, which is unfortunate, it should be as a resource and not curriculum. Get books into school libraries with a Biblical/opposing viewpoint (ex-gay). Know that there is an Equal Access Amendment giving you the ability to do this. Talk to your pastors about it and pray, pray and then pray some more.