PRESS RELEASE: CWA of North Dakota’s Statement on Judge Romanick’s Ruling to Strike Down North Dakota Abortion Law

By September 13, 2024North Dakota

For Immediate Release
September 13, 2024

Contact: Linda Thorsen

CWA of North Dakota’s Statement on
Judge Romanick’s Ruling to Strike Down North Dakota Abortion Law
“Judge Romanick bases his judgment on theories not law.”

Park River, North Dakota – Concerned Women for America (CWA) of North Dakota is puzzled by Judge Bruce Romanick’s strike down of the state’s abortion ban yesterday. His summary judgment striking down the law stated that it was “unconstitutionally void for vagueness” and that “pregnant women in North Dakota have a fundamental right to choose abortion before viability exists.”

Judge Romanick’s ruling includes statement upon statement of personal opinions and unique legal theories without citing actual law. His decision is a search for theories outside the law.

“This is an embarrassing decision by Judge Romanick, who seems to believe he is a policymaker, not a judge. His opinion wipes out all commonsense restrictions on abortion in our state. It removes all protections contained in the law that had input and approval from the North Dakota Hospital and Medical Associations,” responded Linda Thorson, State Director of Concerned Women for America (CWA) of North Dakota.

Thankfully, the North Dakota Attorney General, Drew Wrigley, plans to appeal to the State Supreme Court. Wrigley is committed to defending North Dakota laws and protecting women and all life.

The state’s abortion law, which represents the values of the majority of North Dakota citizens, passed through the legislative process last session and was signed into law by Gov. Doug Burgum. North Dakota will continue to support mothers and welcome all life. That has been clear from the beginning of our statehood.

“CWA of North Dakota expects the North Dakota Supreme Court to see through this ruse and overturn this activist’s decision,” Thorson concluded.