President Trump Supports Life in 2019 SOTU 

Washington, D.C. – Tonight in his 2019 State of the Union Address, President Trump again proved his commitment to the unborn by highlighting the importance of the sanctity of life.

Penny Nance, CEO and President of Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee, issued the following statement in response:

“President Trump’s choice to recognize and reinforce this nation’s commitment to the sanctity of life in the State of the Union address tonight was crucial at this moment in our nation’s history. Belief in dignity of all human life — even those deemed less than perfect by some — is essential and fundamental to our nation. This principle is in large part what sets us a part from other nations who callously dispose of or abuse women, children, and others whom they find inconvenient.

“During the last two weeks, the far left and Planned Parenthood have been unmasked to reveal their shocking extremist views that abortion should be legal with no exceptions up until birth. New York state’s barbaric new law is a direct violation of human rights and must be reversed.  Other states like Virginia and Rhode Island are considering following their lead.

“Concerned Women for America members around this nation will fight infanticide bills with every breath in our bodies.

“Our nation desperately needs leadership on this issue at this time, and our president once again did not disappoint. President Donald Trump continues to be the most pro-life president in U.S. history. Thank you, President Trump, for your unwavering support of pre-born babies.”