Prayer Rally and Jericho Walk
Concerned Women for America (CWA) of New Mexico is committed to being the tip of the spear on the life issue and to speaking Truth at our State Capitol. Last Friday, we hosted a prayer rally and Jericho Walk in Santa Fe. The rally, held inside the Capitol Rotunda, included beautiful praise and worship followed by scripture readings, prayer for repentance, and prayer for our elected officials, elections, life, families and communities, children and schools, churches and pastors, the justice system and law enforcement, Israel, and finally revival for New Mexico. Following the rally, we participated in the Jericho Walk around the Capitol.

Prayer/Action Chapter Leader Denise Weaver

Prayer/Action Chapter Leader Catalina Ahlers

Prayer/Action Chapter Leader Sheri Schaefer
On the Legislative Front
Rep. Jenifer Jones (R-District 32) and Rep. Luis M. Terrazas (R-District 39) introduced HB180, the bill. HB180 is a commonsense bill providing mothers with information and links to social services, financial assistance, adoption services, pregnancy and parenting information, planning guidance, care centers, agencies, and other available public and private resources for expectant families and new parents.
A state-level portal to assist mothers and families is a signature initiative for CWA. HB180 was heard in committee this week and State Director Nickie McCarty had the opportunity to represent your voice as she testified in favor of the bill. You can read Nickie’s testimony here. Though the bill was tabled, we are grateful for the opportunity to shine a spotlight on the need for such resources.

Rep. Jenifer Jones and other legislators introduce HB180.

CWA of New Mexico meets with legislators to discuss HB180.