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Prayer/Action Chapter Meeting Monday, April 22 – Augusta

By April 15, 2013Maine
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We will host a Concerned Women for America of Maine Prayer/Action Chapter meeting at the Christian Civic League of Maine, 70 Sewall St., Augusta, Maine, Monday, April 22, at noon over lunch. You are welcome to bring a bag lunch, and we encourage you to attend.

We will have items of praise and petition to the Lord in prayer, a time of education with what’s happening in Washington, D.C., and in the legislature in Augusta, and action item(s) to take to give a Biblical perspective to public policy.

Please R.S.V.P. to let me know that you plan to attend, so we will have enough materials to hand out and coffee, tea, and water to serve you. Call my cell at 465-6015 or E-mail. I look forward to sharing with you!

Penny Morrell
State Directors