Prayer and Action Needed to Pass Choose Life License Plate Bill

By February 12, 2018Kansas

The 2018 legislative session is up and running in Kansas! Concerned Women for America of Kansas foresees a busy session, and your help will be needed on a number of issues. Together we will stand for Biblical values as we proclaim truth and grace to our legislators.

The first bill we are taking a stand on is HB 2678.  It has been introduced by Rep. Trevor Jacobs (R-District 4) to allow the state of Kansas to issue special pro-life license plates. Click here to read and track the bill.

History: In 2002, a license bill similar to this one passed the House and the Senate, but Gov. Graves vetoed it.  To date, 32 states have passed similar legislation.  It is time for Kansans to be permitted to purchase “Choose Life” license plates.

Rep. Jacobs has stepped up to the plate.  His introduction of HB 2678 has revived something that has needed to be discussed for a long time.  Not only will Kansans be able to make a pro-life statement by having a special license plate, but there may be an opportunity to generate funds for pregnancy centers across the state.

 Please Pray for Rep. Jacobs.  This is the first time he has introduced a bill, and he is asking the Lord for good verbiage and delivery.  I believe that this representative has been placed in our legislature for such a time as this.  He needs our prayers and support.

“I exhort, therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men.  For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty…” — 1 Timothy 2:1-2

 Take Action: Come to the Transportation Committee’s hearing in Topeka on February 14, 2018, at 1:30 p.m., room 582 N.  Come early and join us in prayer.  I will be in the Meditation Room across from the Governor’s office on the 2nd floor at noon. Please come and join me there if you like.  I will let you know when more action it needed.

Thank you for your faithful prayers, action, and support of Concerned Women for America of Kansas.


Barbara Saldivar
State Director
CWA of Kansas
P.O. Box 8331
Topeka, KS  66608
(765) 260-5659