Phoenix Prayer/Action Chapter Kick-Off Meeting – Tuesday, May 14

By May 10, 2019Arizona

Phoenix Prayer/Action Chapter Kick-Off Meeting – Wednesday, May 15


Do you, or someone you know, live in or near Phoenix? Either way, please read on.


No doubt you are as concerned as I am about the many moral issues threatening our community, state, and nation today. Most people want to work to create a better nation for our children and grandchildren but are unsure of the steps to take.


Join us and discover how together through prayer and action we can make a difference.


Hello, I am Paula Monahan, the new Prayer/Action Chapter Leader of Phoenix. I am excited to announce our kick-off meeting to be held this Tuesday, May 14.


We will meet once a month to educate ourselves on one of CWA’s seven core issues, and then pray and take action on the issue(s). Please make plans now to attend our first meeting. Join us and enjoy fellowship with like-minded individuals. If you are unable to attend our first meeting, be sure to contact me and ask to be put on my email list for future meetings.


Wednesday, May 15

4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.



2450 W Bell Road

Phoenix, AZ 85023

Free drink to on time attendees. 


Plan to attend and be sure to bring a friend!


Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.


Paula Monahan

Phoenix Prayer/Action Chapter Leader

Concerned Women for America
