Penny Morrell, CWA of Maine-South Area Director, Travels to Washington, D.C. to Warn Pingree

By July 24, 2010Maine

CWA of Maine Area Director Penny Morrell will be lobbying Congress on Wednesday, July 28, on the new abortion drug, ella (ulipristal). Thanks to the generosity of a special donor, Penny will join CWA’s Project 535 volunteers in Washington, D.C., to target members of the House of Representatives’ Energy and Commerce Committee, which oversees the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), to discuss the harmful new abortion drug ella. Penny will also meet with Rep. Chellie Pingree (D-Maine).

Please pray that the Lord will give Penny traveling mercies. Ask the Lord to fill the Project 535 volunteers with courage and wisdom. Pray that hearts will be changed and lives saved.

What is ella?

ella is chemically similar to the abortion drug RU-486 (mifepristone) and operates the same way. ella blocks progesterone receptors, interfering with the uterine lining. Embryos cannot implant or, if already implanted, will die from lack of nutrition.

Advocates for ella claim it only delays ovulation, but refuse to acknowledge that the drug is and acts the same as RU-486.

FDA would deliberately mislead women if it mislabels ella as a contraceptive and not an abortion drug. While women may be comfortable using contraception, many would object to taking an abortion drug.

Mislabeling ella would deceptively skirt federal laws on abortion from being applied to ella. Unless defined as an abortion drug, it is likely that federal funds will pay for it. Trials indicate that ella may cause miscarriages or birth defects on babies that survive.

Project 535 volunteers are telling Congress, who oversees the FDA, that RU-486 was approved without adequate trials and resulted in several women dying from a bacterial infection. Over 1000 adverse events have been reported including seven deaths. The FDA is treating ella in the same careless manner, putting women at risk.

Click here to find out more about this dangerous new drug.

Join CWA of Maine’s Lobbying Team

Every month when the 535 members of Congress are in session, CWA’s volunteer teams of national “Capitol Hill Liaisons” commute to Washington, D.C., to lobby. While there, our spirited liaisons travel in pairs to meet with congressmen and their staffers, urging them to act on a piece of legislation that will strengthen America’s families. Find out more about Project 535!

“I’ll Buy if You Fly”

Would you like to affect change in Washington, D.C., but don’t have time to go yourself. Become a Project 535 donor! With just 10 donors giving $400 each, CWA of Maine’s volunteer Capitol Hill Liaisons can meet with our representatives and senators in Washington, D.C., every month! Donors stepped up for June and July! Donate online towards CWA of Maine’s Project 535.