Pastor’s Resolve Solidified at CWA’s STAND STRONG TOGETHER Conference

Dear friends,

I just wanted to drop you a note of encouragement. I am a pastor at a small rural church in Marshville, NC. I attended the CWA conference at First Baptist of Charlotte several weeks ago and I was greatly encouraged. But I want to let you know that something else that had brewing in my heart for a few weeks before, was solidified for me by the conference speakers. I will no longer be a good Christian but a poor citizen because I think the two operate in tandem. I have a responsibility to vote and to influence my culture with the biblical values that I claim to hold. Mark Creech mentioned that the Church has lost her prophetic voice in this society. Well, I am going to help her get it back. Here’s what I’ve done because I was inspired at your conference.

  • 1. I led my church to give $300 to the fund – I mailed it in Monday morning.

2. I preached the spring session at the Union Baptist Association in Monroe last night and I really pushed the vote for this amendment.

3. I have emailed and text-messaged almost everyone I know in NC – friends, family, and fellow pastors from seminary that I know who are spread from the coast to the mountains and forwarded them the VoteFORMarriageNC website and also wrote a testimony on those emails encouraging them as to WHY they should vote for the amendment.

4. I have added several of your video clips to my personal blog at and since I have alerted my friends to it, there have been about 500 hits in the last 3 weeks.

I am praying for this movement, and I appreciate you people for inspiring me the way that you have. May God bless your efforts.

Mel Winstead
Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
Marshville, NC