Bring Them Home.
Israeli and U.S. Hostages Still Held Hostage.



Women’s Sports Talk

Women for America · Women’s Sports With Doreen, Macy, and Marshi   Join Doreen Denny, Senior Advisor for Concerned Women, Macy Petty, Legislative Strategist for Concerned Women, and Marshi Smith,

Young Women for America: Project Identity

Last weekend, Young Women for America (YWA) welcomed 28 leaders from around the nation to Concerned Women for America’s (CWA) headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia, for Project Identity: God’s Design for

One Month Later: Aftermath of Hurricane Helene

Randy Runions Senior Pastor of Lincoln Ave Baptist Church in Newport, Tennessee discusses with CEO and President of CWA Penny Nance the impacts Hurricane Helene has played in East Tennessee.

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