ObamaCare and Women: Tyranny, Pure and Simple

By March 20, 2012Sanctity of Life

Friday, March 23, marks the two-year anniversary of the Affordable Care Act (ACA/ObamaCare) being signed into law. The Obama Administration is launching a full out plan to convince the people that the first two years of ObamaCare has been of great benefit to the American people. Their stated strategy is to “Increase overall public support for the law by making the benefits of the law (and consequences of taking those away) tangible by featuring stories of real people impacted.” Their strategy will focus on a specific group or topic each day. In response, Concerned Women for America will also be making a comment about each of these groups or topics. Tuesday’s topic is “Women.”


It’s been two years since ObamaCare’s passage, and the firestorm against this legislation remains strong.

President Obama stated that women use the health care system more than men, and ObamaCare was needed to ensure access. As the nation’s largest public policy women’s organization with 500,000 members nationwide, Concerned Women for America (CWA) believes that women have been irreparably harmed by ObamaCare.

From the beginning, Penny Nance, CWA’s Chief Executive Officer and President, has said that ObamaCare will lead to abortion coverage in health insurance that will be subsidized by the federal government. Despite assurances to the contrary, and a worthless executive order, President Obama’s Administration issued its final rules on health care exchanges last week that would allow for abortion coverage. As part of the new regulations, a health plan that covers abortions may participate in the exchanges. Once a person is enrolled in an abortion-covering plan, he or she will be required to pay an abortion surcharge. “This forces all Americans, even if they have a moral objection, to subsidize abortion,” said Penny.

“This, coupled with the Obama Administration’s mandate that most health insurance plans fully cover all contraception, abortion-inducing drugs like ella and Plan B, and sterilizations, is a serious attack on women’s liberties.”

“Not all American women embrace the feminist agenda. Forcing women to pay for health services they do not need or want is tyranny. America is supposed to be the land of the free and the home of the brave.”