Obama Administration Once Again Overstepped Taking Away Privacy with Gender Neutral School Bathrooms

Washington, D.C. – Today, the Obama administration will issue orders calling for all public schools to implement gender neutral bathrooms. Penny Nance, CEO and President of Concerned Women for America, said:CWALAC_MediaStatement

“The Obama Administration once again overstepped legal boundaries by redefining the scope and reach of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and slapping the heavy hand of government on local schools.  Whether or not people who identify as transgender are indeed a protected class will get worked out in the courts.  Meanwhile, schools all over this nation, which have rightly worked on a case-by-case basis to accommodate kids struggling with gender dysphoria, may be forced to violate the privacy of other students and perhaps even create trauma for the very kids Obama pretends to protect.

“Local school districts with the input of parents and health professionals should be setting school policy on such a sensitive and controversial issue, not Washington.

“Finally, the left always uses children to accomplish it’s goals of social reengineering. The adults closest to these children should decide what’s best for all the children in the school.  Safety and kindness should be the guiding principles, not threats from the bullies in Washington.”

For an interview with Penny Nance contact Janae Stracke at jstracke@cwfa.org or 712-269-1724.