November 2016 Kansas General Election Voter Guides Now Available! ALL DISTRICTS!

By November 2, 2016Kansas

Click for the District 1 Voter Guide and Survey Questions, District 3 Voter Guide (and here for Survey Questions), (  District 2 Voter Guide (and here for Survey Questions) and District 4 Voter Guide and Survey Questions.  If you do not know what District you live in, find instructions below.

Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee of Kansas sent a nine question survey to every Kansas Senate and House of Representative candidate running in 2016.

Survey questions:

  1. Should life be protected from conception until natural death?
  2. Should students, teachers, business owners, state employees, or any American be restricted from exercising their First Amendment rights in the public sector?
  3. Kansas passed a constitutional amendment in 2005 defining marriage as being between one man and one woman. Will you vote to uphold this amendment to the Kansas Constitution?
  4. Will you vote for legislation to combat violence, abuse and sex trafficking of women and children?*
  5. Will you support legislation for tax credits or other programs to be used by parents to educate their children in the school of their choosing?
  6. Would you support legislation to take fewer federal education dollars for Kansas schools?*
  7. Would you support a Constitutional Amendment for direct election of the judges to return to Kansas?*
  8. Do you support the judicial branch’s decision to legislate school finance by mandating the state dollars?
  9. Do you support the power delegated by the U. S. Constitution to the states and to the people in the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.


  • Question 4, 6 and 7 were eliminated from the final voter guide. Question 4 was eliminated because every candidate that answered the questions answered “Yes”.  Question 6 and 7 were eliminated because the candidates generally found the question unclear.
  • If a candidate is an incumbent, his/her name is italicized.
  • If the candidate made a comment on the survey, it is on the bottom of the page.
  • If the candidate didn’t return the survey their positions were determined, if possible, by votes or positions stated elsewhere, see comment section for details.
  • Bills used for votes:

Q1. SB95 – AN ACT concerning abortion; creating the Kansas unborn child protection from dismemberment abortion act; HB2218 (2011) – Bans abortions to Pain-capable Unborn child at 22 weeks gestation

Q2. SB175 (2015) – AN ACT concerning postsecondary education; relating to allowing the exercise of religious beliefs by student associations; HB2453 – An act concerning religious freedoms with respect to marriage; HB2523/H Sub for SB62 – Protection of Healthcare Conscience Rights

Q3. SCR 1601(2005) – to protect and reserve the special status of the institution of marriage in Kansas – Kansas Marriage Amendment; HB2453 – An act concerning religious freedoms with respect to marriage

How to use the voter guides:

  1. Find out the following districts for where you live:

U.S. Representative ______

Kansas Senate ______

Kansas Representative ______

To do so click HERE, select your county in the “UPCOMING ELECTIONS” box, click “POLLING PLACE” and fill in your address, click the “Search” button and scroll down to “Districts”.

  1. Based on the U.S. Representative district, click one of the following voter guides: District 1 Voter GuideDistrict 2 Voter Guide or District 4 Voter Guide.
  2. View those running for senate by using your Kansas Senate district number and Representative by using your Kansas Representative district number.
  3. Now, as you see, only some of the candidates filled out and returned the survey. If you would like to know where any of the candidates stand on these issues who did not answer, then go to his/her campaign website and/or call their campaign headquarters to find out.
  4. Once you have educated yourself on the candidates, pray. Pray for the candidates in your districts by name.   “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.” (Proverbs 29:2)
  5. Share this survey with friends and family.
  6. Vote before or on Nov 8.

Please feel free to print and distribute voter guides liberally.