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North Dakota Parents Beware!

By October 18, 2011North Dakota

This week North Dakota parents and kids were looking forward to a short school week with Thursday and Friday off so teachers can attend the teachers’ conference held by North Dakota Education Association (NDEA). Usually, this is a time for families to savor the last of the warm weather and enjoy fall outdoor activities. It is a welcome time for students to rest up after a couple of months of school.

But not so this year. This year’s teachers’ convention should give us no rest or peace whatsoever, as NDEA and North Dakota Department of Public Instruction (ND DPI) once again have teamed up to make sure public instructors come home armed with information that will put our children in danger as they return to their schools after the break.

On Thursday, October 20, there is a session during the NDEA convention entitled, “Leading a Safe School Climate for LGBTQ”. Quoting from their paper, “Sandy Tibke, DPI – This is an interactive training where teachers will learn how to start creating a safe school environment for LGBTQ students. Participants will work through scenarios that school districts often face when working with students, other faculty and parents.” The session will be held at the Century High School, Bismarck, in room 106 at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 20. For those who are not aware of the acronym LGBTQ it stands for lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender and questioning. Does “questioning” open the door for the discussion of other deviant forms of sexual behavior, including what they now term “minor attracted persons” or what is rightly called pedophilia?

Yep, that is right, the NDEA is no longer the association looking out for teachers, but rather a far leftist liberal leaning group in bed with the likes of Planned Parenthood, SIECUS and now LGBTQ organizations in order to promote and encourage dangerous behavior amongst our K- 12 students. This is a blatant attempt to make millions of dollars off of our kids. Follow the money is an old saying that may not seem related to this issue, but ask yourself, “Who makes a profit off my minor son or daughter if they stay abstinent until marriage?” The answer would be no one does. However, if our children live a permissive and immoral life style, including choosing to engage in the deviant sexual behaviors encouraged here by ND DPI and NDEA, there are millions of dollars to be made. Cynical, you say? Nope, not really. The abortion industry, the birth control industry, and sadly, the medical and fertility industry make this profit.

Why does Sandy Tibke of the ND DPI seem to be consistently promoting dangerous agendas for North Dakota children? Her title is sadly “Coordinated School Health Education Program Administrator” which to me seems to be an oxymoron. And why does the head of ND DPI, State Superintendent Mr. Wayne Sanstead seem mute on these issues? Do we really want, once again, to go through the battle we had last spring when North Dakota parents spoke loudly and clearly during a similar planned but eventually cancelled event? The message was clear then as it is now, that such an agenda is not acceptable in North Dakota.

Take Action Today!

This NDEA session on Thursday should be cancelled immediately, and the staff of ND DPI should retire their personal liberal agenda and redirect their attention to what their job is, what we, as parents and taxpayers pay them to do which is making sure our children actually have a solid education in our state. I would also encourage the North Dakota legislators to take a serious look at the appropriations for this department during the 2013 session. Do we want to continue to let this rogue Department of Public Instruction run amok with this agenda, or do we need to rein it in to focus on the only agenda they should advance which is the academic future of our state?

It is sad indeed that we thought this week would be good for families in North Dakota when instead it can be of such danger that it chills my spine. Our children’s health is at stake here, so I for one will not enjoy the three-day school week but will do my utmost to protect my kids. That means calling North Dakota DPI (701-328-2260 or e-mail and asking why Ms. Tibke is allowed to continue her obvious crusade promoting deviant sexual behaviors.

Contact the NDEA (701-223-0450 or e-mail NDEA President at ) and ask why they are consumed by the same passion.

Tell every teacher you know who is a member of the NDEA and encourage them to take a stand. Is this really a union that looks out for your future as a teacher when they are bent on destroying our kids?

Please pray!

Ask the Lord to bring wise God fearing individuals into the ND DPI and the NDEA.

Pray many teachers, parents and citizens have the courage to oppose the current agenda of the ND DPI and the NDEA.

Thank you for all you do on behalf of North Dakota families!

In Him,

Janne Myrdal
State Director
CWA of North Dakota