North Dakota Committee to Consider Granting Special Rights Outside the Traditional Male and Female Identity

By February 6, 2017North Dakota

Concerned Women for America of North Dakota agrees with the statement about Family Integrity and the American Moral Tradition from the North Dakota Republican Platform, “Traditional American families should be encouraged and supported by policies to nurture strong marriages consisting of one man and one woman, to support moral values, and to create, control and maintain their individual wealth with minimal interference form government.” (

On Wednesday, February 1, I testified before the House Human Services Committee in opposition of House Bill 1386, “relating to the proposed addition to discrimination statues in the case of sexual orientation and ‘gender identity’.” Click here to read the bill in its entirety.

 This law would not protect rights but would rather grant special privileges based strictly on someone’s sexual behavior.  Sexual orientation and other manifestations of gender identity do not fit into what constitutes a true minority and should not be added to laws dealing with discrimination.

HB 1386 creates discrimination.  When “sexual orientation” or “gender identity” is added to a legal or corporate nondiscrimination code, it opens the door to policies that discriminate against people with traditional views as it attacks and opposes the notion that sexual behavior has moral dimensions.

CWA of North Dakota does not support discrimination.  We believe that all citizens should be protected equally under the law.  As Dr. Ben Carson, nominee for Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development stated, “I think all Americans should be protected under the law.  What I have said before is I don’t think anyone should get extra rights.”

Take Action: Call and/or email those on the North Dakota House Human Services Committee.  It is very important that they receive multiple calls.  Well over twenty people testified in support and only myself and four others testified in opposition.  In years past, this bill has been voted down every time it has gone before a North Dakota legislative body.  That does not guarantee that it is not in jeopardy.  They must hear from us.  Ask them to oppose special rights and to please vote a “Do Not Pass” on HB 1386. Be sure to let them know that you are associated with Concerned Women for America of North Dakota.

Committee Members:

Rep. Robin Weisz at and 701-962-3299

Rep. Karen Rohr at  and 701-202-1956

Rep. Bert Anderson at and 701-641-1549

Rep. Dick Anderson at and 701-228-4782

Rep. Pamela Anderson at and 701-306-3362

Rep. Chuck Damschen at and 701-370-1758

Rep. Bill Devlin at and 701-524-2303

Rep. Dwight Kiefert at and 701-490-0443

Rep. Aaron McWilliams at and 701-430-9004

Rep. Todd Porter at and 701-667-2922

Rep. Mary Schneider at and 701-306-0860

Rep. Jay Seibel at and 701-870-1279

Rep. Kathy Skroch at and 701-538-7396

Rep. Greg Westlind at and 701-739-8275

As you may know, much of the media has made their position clear on this issue.  Just based on these titles it leaves no question as to their bias.  I was quoted twice in the Bismarck Tribune and a clip from my testimony was aired on WDAY ABC.


  • Please pray for CWA of North Dakota as we continue to take a stand on this issue.
  • Pray for a young man who spoke in favor of this bill. I spoke with him throughout the day and explained how it is the Lord that has brought forgiveness and fulfillment in my life.  Pray that he would open his heart to the love and forgiveness of Christ.
  • “Yes, my soul, find rest in God;my hope comes from Him.Truly He is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God; He is my mighty rock, my refuge.  Trust in Him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge.”  (Psalms 62:5-8)

Linda Thorson

State Director
CWA of North Dakota