North Carolinians Act NOW to Protect Charlotte’s Public Bathrooms! Sign Petition! Pastors and Faith Leaders Unite!

By January 25, 2016North Carolina

When the Charlotte City Council Members meet next month on Monday, February 8, they will vote on the controversial “bathroom”  Nondiscrimination Ordinance; the proposed LGBT Favoritism Law.  Last March, the people of Charlotte successfully rallied, and their voices were heard; the City Council voted down the “sexual orientation,” and “gender identity,” (SOGI) ordinance. This year, the opposition is back once again, mobilizing an attack on religious liberty and decency. And once again we must tell Charlotte City Council, “NO”!

At last year’s City Council meeting, pro-ordinance SOGI supporters, held “Facts Not Fear” signs.

The facts are that the proposed LGBT Favoritism Law, under the guise of “nondiscrimination,” is dangerous! If passed,

This decision will violate North Carolinians’ rights to private decency and religious freedom.

  • It will put woman and children in danger, allowing men to enter women’s bathrooms, locker rooms, or shower rooms legally, and for any reason.
  • All businesses, sports and entertainment venues, parks, gymnasium, and any public place, would be required to provide public restroom facilities without discriminating between marital or family status, “sexual orientation,” “gender identity,” or “gender expression.”
  • Business owners would be required to provide products and events for same-sex weddings or face legal action by the government.
  • If passed, this decision would violate the freedom of conscience and freedom of religion for citizens and business owners who disagree with gender neutral facilities.

Take Action

As a member of the NC Values Coalition, CWA of North Carolina urges you to take a stand against this dangerous ordinance which impacts all North Carolinians in the name of “nondiscrimination.” North Carolinians must be free to live and work according to their faith without fear of unjust punishment by the government.

  • Wednesday, January 27, Pastors and Faith Leaders Unite for Charlotte! Dr. Mark Harris, Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church Charlotte (FBC) will be holding an informational meeting to equip pastors and faith leaders with a plan of action opposing the upcoming “Nondiscrimination Ordinance” to be voted on by the Charlotte City Council. Plan to attend on January 27, 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. at FBC, 301 S. Davidson Street, Charlotte, NC 28202, in the Parlor/Conference Room.  If you are available before the meeting, and interested in attending the FBC Power Lunch and devotion by Dr. Harris from 11: 30 a.m. – 12: 15 p.m., please RSVP at, and we will let FBC know that you will attend the lunch. The lunch cost is $6.00.
  • Sign the Don’t Do It Charlotte Petition/Tell Charlotte City Council No:To find out more information on the proposed Nondiscrimination Ordinance and to sign the petition, click here. 
  • Call and/or e-mail Charlotte’s Mayor Roberts and City Council Members.  Urge them to vote “NO” at the February 8 meeting on the proposed Nondiscrimination Ordinance, allowing men in women’s bathrooms. Click here for contact information.
  • Attend a public forum discussion on February 1 at 6:30 p.m. on the proposed “bathroom” Nondiscrimination Ordinance, at the Palmer Building, 2601 E. 7th St., Charlotte, NC, 28204.
  • Attend the Don’t Do it Charlotte Rally on February 8 (5:00 p.m. TBD) outside the Charlotte Mecklenburg Government Center at 600 E. Fourth Street, Charlotte, NC 28202. We will keep you updated on this as the information becomes available.
  • Forward this e-mail to like-minded friends and family and encourage them to pray and take action on this important issue.

Pray that Charlotte’s Mayor Roberts and the City Council Members, as well as supporters of these proposed nondiscrimination “bathroom” laws, will know the truth that God created man and woman distinct in His Holy Image (Genesis 2:27). Also, pray that the efforts to instate same-sex bathrooms will be thwarted.