No Shortcuts on Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson Nomination

For Immediate Release
February 25, 2022
Contact: Katie Everett, Press Secretary

Washington, D.C.— President Joe Biden is reported to be nominating Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to take the seat of retiring Justice Stephen Breyer at the United States Supreme Court. Penny Nance, President and CEO of Concerned Women for America (CWA), the largest public policy organization for women in the nation, had this to say:

“The U.S. Senate must focus on Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s record, especially her judicial philosophy and temperament.

“There are serious questions about Judge Jackson’s judicial philosophy, especially being nominated by a President who promised to appoint someone who viewed the Constitution as a “living document.” This is a dangerous view of the Constitution that allows a judge to inject personal policy preferences under the guise of an ever-expanding Constitution that changes according to a majority of nine unelected judges. Does Judge Jackson share the view?

“President Biden said unequivocally he has an abortion litmus test for nominees. He wants judges who look beyond the clear text of the Constitution to uphold and even expand so called abortion rights. The President has been open to his political supporters about his commitment as he sought their support. And, predictably, he has picked the nominee most championed by the far left when other nominees seemed to have more broad support.

“Judge Jackson is being nominated to the highest court in the land, and her record must be reexamined with a much higher standard than in the past. They must explore the thousands of pages in opinions, briefs, speeches, and other writings Judge Brown has authored and also her overwhelming support by radical progressive groups. Everything must be examined. No shortcuts.

“The happy warrior women I represent demand nothing less. We deserve nothing less.”


Concerned Women for America is the Nation’s largest public policy organization for women; we are dedicated to promoting Biblical values and Constitutional principles. More information is available at