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Get to Know Our Newest Leaders!

By April 18, 2013North Carolina

Read a greeting from Prayer/Action Chapter Leader Nellie Greer of Cary and from Young Women for America President from Campbell University in Buies Creek.

Nellie Greer
Prayer/Action Chapter Leader
Cary, NC

My name is Nellie Greer. I am a Christian who is trying daily to listen to God instead of the world. I have been married for over 35 years and have one son that is married. I retired from work in 2009 to become a full time volunteer in ministry and related fields. In the last two years I have felt a “calling”, for lack of a better term, to get more involved in policy because of the direction that our country has been headed. I believe that we need to do our part by praying, being informed, being active, and helping others. During this time I happened to learn about a group called Concerned Women for America and realized “that is me.” I became involved in public policy because of the decline of moral values in our country, and this group combined my passions. I would like to see many new CWA of North Carolina Prayer/Action Chapters start in Wake County. This location near the capital allows opportunities to easily serve as “feet on the ground”. I am so excited to be part of this partnership as a Prayer/Action Chapter Leader (PAL) and can hardly wait to see how God can use me in this journey for His glory. Esther 4:14 summarized: “God has called you to obedience for such a time as this.” We meet in Cary on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month at 7:00 pm. Contact the state office for more information if you would like to join us.

Side note: Interested in seeing if there is a Prayer/Action Chapter in your area? Interested in information about starting one? Give us a call at , we would love to answer any questions you have and help you get started.

Kelsey McGaha
Young Women for America President
Campbell University, Buies Creek

My name is Kelsey McGaha, and I will be leading the YWA Chapter at Campbell University starting in the winter semester. During my internship at the North Carolina General Assembly, I have seen firsthand the need for Godly women to be involved in the legislative process. I am looking forward to serving in this position. I also hold the office of: North Carolina Federation of Young Professional Republicans Vice Secretary, Young Republicans of Harnett County Communications Director. If you or someone you know will be attending Campbell University this winter, please contact the state office for more information if you, or someone you know, would like to join us.

Side note: Young Women for America (YWA) is a project of Concerned Women for America (YWA). YWA is a student-oriented chapter that is geared toward high school and college campuses to bring active groups of young like-minded women together to promote conservative values to their schools and the nation. Interested in YWA or know someone who might be? Click here for more information.