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Netanyahu Speaks Before a Joint Session of Congress

We are privileged to live in a country that is not plagued on a daily basis by acts of terrorism or security threats. For Israel, one of our closest allies, this is not the case.

Just this past summer, Israelis were under continued rocket fire attacks from Gaza. Yet, during that time, if you asked an Israeli official what the greatest threat to Israel was, they would say a nuclear-capable Iran.

Right now, the Obama Administration is engaged in negotiations with Iran regarding its nuclear program. The deadline for a framework agreement is set for March 24.  As details on the agreement are brought to light, those looking to end Iran’s nuclear endeavors are gravely concerned.

It is for this reason that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will come to the U.S. to speak before a joint session of Congress on Tuesday, March 3. Unfortunately, at the suggestion of the Administration (which is not pleased with the address), Members of Congress are threatening to boycott the Prime Minister’s remarks.

How shameful! As Americans, can we not understand the importance of a leader doing everything in his/her power to protect their people?

Members of Congress have the right to disagree with what the Prime Minister might say, but the least they can do is listen to his case. They should, at minimum, hear the pleading of a leader who wants to protect his people. This would give America’s strongest ally the respect it deserves.

Furthermore, the threat of a nuclear Iran does not only concern Israel, but also the world. Netanyahu has stated, “I think the pursuit of nuclear weapons by Iran is the most urgent security challenge facing the world. I think the greatest danger facing humanity is the possibility that any movement or any regime of militant Islam will arm itself with the weapons of mass destruction.”

The Hill has reported on 29 Members of Congress who are “skipping” this important address and 36 Members who are on the fence.

Please call your Members of Congress at the Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121 and urge them to attend the joint session of Congress on Tuesday, March 3.