Needed: Prayer Support for Louisiana Legislators!

By February 21, 2018Louisiana

Please join CWA of Louisiana’s Encourage-A-Legislator (EAL) Prayer Support Team

 Volunteers are needed to pray for our state legislators during the 2018 Louisiana Legislative Session, which takes place from March 12 to June 4. Through the EAL Program, CWA members and friends commit to pray daily for their assigned legislator(s) and send CWA-provided postcards to encourage them. All that is required is several minutes of prayer and one stamp per month.

We live in challenging times, and much prayer is needed to restrain evil and establish righteousness. Will you commit to being an EAL prayer volunteer this legislative session?

“Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.” — 1 Timothy 2:1-2

Please Pray: Pray the necessary number of individuals will sign up to join our team and that our legislators will be encouraged and uplifted by our efforts.

Take Action:

  1. Sign up by Monday, February 26. Email us at with your name, address, and how many legislators you would like to have assigned to you.
  2. If at all possible, please contribute $5, $10, or more to this program. It is greatly needed. Because we are run by a team of volunteers, all of your contributions go directly to the work at hand. Click here to donate online now, or send a check to CWA of Louisiana, O. Box 2446, Opelousas, LA 70571. Be sure to write the check out to “Concerned Women for America” and put “CWA of LA” on the memo line. Thank you in advance for your tax-deductible donation.

 Remain Motivated by Love,


Sancha Noel Smith
State Director
Concerned Women for America of Louisiana